Cure boredom this summer with these fun summer crafts for kids! Has school getting out left your little ones with lots of free time they're not sure what to do with? Has "I'm bored" become a common phrase in your household? We've got you covered! … [Read more...] about Easy and Creative Summer Crafts for Kids
DIY Crafts
DIY Thrift Flip Ideas That Will Save You Money
Thrift flipping - save the earth and your wallet! Did you know that 84% of all unwanted clothing ends up in landfills? That's a lot of waste! This is why thrift flipping has become quite a popular trend as of recent; the idea is to take something … [Read more...] about DIY Thrift Flip Ideas That Will Save You Money
Christmas Toilet Paper Roll Crafts for Adults
Toilet paper roll crafts - super cheap fun for both kids and adults! So, what does everyone have in their home that could be easily used to make fun Christmas crafts? Toilet paper rolls of course! This is a fun little round-up of ways you can … [Read more...] about Christmas Toilet Paper Roll Crafts for Adults
AMAZING Plastic Storage Bin Makeovers!
Plastic storage bin makeovers - the next big thing in upcycling! Plastic storage bins are so versatile in the home. They are great storage solutions, lightweight, and super cheap! The only problem is their lack of luster. In other words, these … [Read more...] about AMAZING Plastic Storage Bin Makeovers!
Celery flower Art For Kids
Celery Flower Art is Fun and Easy for Kids or Adults! You must try this easy flower painting craft idea for kids of celery flower art. Celery rose print art and craft ideas can be done at home any time of year but I especially love it in … [Read more...] about Celery flower Art For Kids
Valentine Card For Teacher (Berry Cute)
Last-minute, easy, Valentine Card for teachers (with Berries)! Coming up with a valentines card for your kid's teacher isn't the simplest task. But, I hope you like this one! I find this idea quick but thoughtful. It is a "berry" cute valentine for … [Read more...] about Valentine Card For Teacher (Berry Cute)
Elf on the Shelf Door
How to make a DIY Elf on the Shelf door We have a DIY ice cream stick craft that's easy to do! Get your Elf on the Shelf door made especially for that special Christmas Elf with this easy DIY Elf Door craft. Listotic will show you just how to make … [Read more...] about Elf on the Shelf Door
Animal Halloween Costumes for Kids
If you're looking for the perfect list of DIY Halloween costumes for kids then you're sure to find your perfect choice here! This list has everything from simple, last-minute DIY animal Halloween costumes for kids to more extravagant and … [Read more...] about Animal Halloween Costumes for Kids
DIY Animal Costumes for Halloween
Who doesn’t love animals in costumes? If done right, they can be the cutest little things (even more so than they already are). Your beloved pet can join in on the Halloween festivities this year with these adorable DIY animal Halloween costumes! … [Read more...] about DIY Animal Costumes for Halloween
Backyard Patio Ideas on a budget – Backyard Living at its Best!
THE BEST DIY BACKYARD PATIO IDEAS ON A BUDGET This is backyard living at its finest! If you are like me, you enjoy spending your summers outdoors. For instance, having the sunshine and warmth beat down on my skin, listening to the giggles of my boys … [Read more...] about Backyard Patio Ideas on a budget – Backyard Living at its Best!
15 Unique Tie Dye Crafts You’ll Need This Summer
The perfect tie dye crafts for this summer! With summer on the way, these tie dye crafts are sure to help you get into the summer spirit. Tie-dying is very simple and easy to do with the kids, or even just for yourself. One highly recommended tie … [Read more...] about 15 Unique Tie Dye Crafts You’ll Need This Summer
Delicious Smelling Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer Recipe
Homemade Thieves® Hand Sanitizer Ok, it’s time to disinfect! Homemade Thieves Hand Sanitizer is very easy! I like this DIY hand sanitizer recipe because you can add ingredients that provide helpful benefits other than just killing germs. Not to … [Read more...] about Delicious Smelling Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer Recipe
DIY Pine Cone Christmas Tree Craft
Rustic DIY Pine Cone Christmas Tree Craft Are you crafty? You do not have to consider yourself “crafty” to do this pine cone tree craft project for Christmas or any other time of year. You just need to know how to assemble materials and follow … [Read more...] about DIY Pine Cone Christmas Tree Craft
Quick and Easy Silver Spoon Craft
Transform Your Vintage Silver Spoons with this Spoon Hook Craft using Stamped Personalization Do you like to hang onto some of Grandma’s old things, just to give you a sense of being close? I sure do. When my Grandmother passed, I received a … [Read more...] about Quick and Easy Silver Spoon Craft
How To Make Dyed Easter Eggs in the Instant Pot – just 8 minutes
8 Minute Hard Boiled Dyed Easter Eggs in the Instant Pot Dyed Easter Eggs in the instant pot. Dyeing Easter eggs in instant pot is quick & easy. See how to make Instant pot colored eggs. Don’t get me wrong, I truly love the traditional … [Read more...] about How To Make Dyed Easter Eggs in the Instant Pot – just 8 minutes
Coloring Hard Boiled Easter Eggs with Melted Crayon
Melted crayons and sharpie markers on hard boiled eggs make fun colorful DIY Easter egg decorations. This idea for melted crayon Easter eggs came to me while transferring some hot hard boiled eggs from the instant pot to the cold water. Humm… what … [Read more...] about Coloring Hard Boiled Easter Eggs with Melted Crayon
DIY Recyclable Jam Session
DIY Musical Instruments Who doesn’t love a good jam session? My boys loved creating their own diy musical instruments, then jamming out and exploring the new sounds they could make! Bonus- you can use items straight out of your recycling bin! Win … [Read more...] about DIY Recyclable Jam Session
10 Valentine’s Day Ideas For Teachers
We cannot forget about your child's teacher, now can we? I've included my top favorite Valentine's Day Ideas for that special teacher in your kids' lives. Most of these ideas are geared toward both male and female teachers - something for … [Read more...] about 10 Valentine’s Day Ideas For Teachers
30+ Candy Free Valentine Ideas
Recently, I shared with you some fun ideas for an epic Valentine’s Day Breakfast! I have been on the hunt for some adorable candy-free Valentine ideas for kids. You’ll surely be the favorite mom in the class by having your child pass out a fun yet … [Read more...] about 30+ Candy Free Valentine Ideas
How to make Lego Crayons with FREE printable
These DIY Lego® crayons are perfect for Valentine’s Day, birthday party favors and more! The instructions are simple and so much fun for kiddos! My son sure enjoyed creating these Lego guys and mini Legos. This project is the perfect activity to … [Read more...] about How to make Lego Crayons with FREE printable
18 DIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
Making your own Valentine's Day gifts is a great way to show someone you really care about them. From diy kids valentines using slime, glitter, rocks and more, to teacher gifts, to special valentine candy paper heart pouches. You're sure to find a … [Read more...] about 18 DIY Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
25+ Creative Craft Ideas For Adults
Easy DIY Craft Ideas for Adults There's something about creating things with your own two hands that makes life fun and rewarding. Just the satisfaction of making something that didn't exist before is good enough for me! I especially love a good … [Read more...] about 25+ Creative Craft Ideas For Adults
29+ Cool Spray Paint Ideas That Will Save You A Ton Of Money
Trash to treasure with very little effort! Because of all the new options in color and texture, spray painting has become somewhat of a trend. It is probably the most popular thing used for remodeling and repair on a budget. It can also be used for … [Read more...] about 29+ Cool Spray Paint Ideas That Will Save You A Ton Of Money
20+ Of The Best Mason Jar Projects
Mason Jar Crafts for all Ages Although intended for canning, it seems as though mason jars are used for everything BUT canning! Their vintage and rustic charm has become more popular than slap bracelets were in the 90's. I have to admit, I love … [Read more...] about 20+ Of The Best Mason Jar Projects
12 Easy Kitchen Organization Tips
Creative and Easy Kitchen Organization Tips Cooking, baking, and preparing food is a lot more enjoyable when you have an organized kitchen. Some of us don't have the luxury of a large and modern kitchen, but that doesn't mean we can't use … [Read more...] about 12 Easy Kitchen Organization Tips
5 Creative Ways To Lace Your Shoes
This is for all of you Converse lovers! Or anyone who is cool and likes to tie their sneakers in awesome, non-boring ways. Some of these techniques not only look impressive, but they might also make your shoes more comfortable depending on your … [Read more...] about 5 Creative Ways To Lace Your Shoes
Vintage Sign & Lazy Frame Tutorial
Today, I will teach you how to make a vintage sign frame the effortless way, yet still manage to make it look half way decent. This tutorial is for lazy people that like to make cool things without having to do a lot of work or research This post … [Read more...] about Vintage Sign & Lazy Frame Tutorial
11 Stunning Tile Ideas For Your Home
With all of the nontraditional tile surfaces storming the tile world right now, I've become inspired to do a few remodel projects around my house starting with some new tile ideas. So far we've only tackled the backsplash above our stove, but boy do … [Read more...] about 11 Stunning Tile Ideas For Your Home
How To Make Your Own Beauty Pens
DIY Beauty Hacks You will never believe how easy this DIY beauty hack is! I stumbled across this idea a while back (I don't recall where), and my mind immediately started spinning with other kinds of liquid that would be handy in the form of a … [Read more...] about How To Make Your Own Beauty Pens
20 Cool Glow Stick Ideas
First, Glow sticks are one of those mysterious toys that keep kids (and adults) entertained for hours. Who knew there were so many fun things to do with them; everything from kid's crafts to party decor! You can find them at the Dollar Store or … [Read more...] about 20 Cool Glow Stick Ideas
20+ Creative DIY Furniture Hacks
Repurposing old furniture into something that is not only practical but also unique and modern is the ultimate way to recycle. With a little bit of creativity, there are so many clever ways to use broken appliances, old furniture, or even everyday … [Read more...] about 20+ Creative DIY Furniture Hacks
Awesome 2-Ingredient DIY Glitter Slime
Easy Peasy Glitter Goo DIY goo, slime, silly putty-- whatever you want to call it! Either way, it's just plain awesome. My daughter is what I would call a "Goo Expert", and she is the reason why I had to share this easy 2 ingredient slime recipe (no … [Read more...] about Awesome 2-Ingredient DIY Glitter Slime
22+ Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home
Homemade products, everything from deodorant to cooking spray, can be made at home. At first, I was a little hesitant to try any of them-- I suppose I preferred to just take the lazy way out and buy all of my familiar products at the store. I … [Read more...] about 22+ Everyday Products You Can Easily Make From Home
29+ Fun & Creative Crafts For Kids!
Best Crafts for Kids - Fun Crafts for Adults Too Is there ever a time when kids aren't bored?! Seriously, give my kids less than 30 seconds without activity in front of them and they're at a loss for what to do. This is where simple creative crafts … [Read more...] about 29+ Fun & Creative Crafts For Kids!
20+ Insanely Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas
This is my first year having a true garden, and so far I'm loving the time I get outside playing in the dirt and absorbing the sunshine, but I desperately needed some gardening tips and ideas. As a beginner, I'm learning a lot of things that … [Read more...] about 20+ Insanely Clever Gardening Tips And Ideas
35 Easy DIY Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love
Perfect crafts for DIY Gift Ideas A homemade gift is always better than something you can buy at the store! Especially for someone who has everything or is hard to buy for. Even if it's something as simple as personalizing a coffee mug, monogramming … [Read more...] about 35 Easy DIY Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love
50 Brilliant Storage Ideas
Because I am an organization maniac, I'm always looking for easy storage ideas! I like for everything to be in its place, out of the way, and easy to find. This explains my love for The Container Store, but I've discovered that there are actually … [Read more...] about 50 Brilliant Storage Ideas
33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes
I have to say, I normally get very intimidated when it comes to projects that involve sewing. I tend to steer away from them, but after my hunt for different ways to customize your clothes, I am really quite inspired! Most of these are very easy, in … [Read more...] about 33 Clever Ways To Refashion Your Clothes
60 New Uses For Everyday Items
Life isn't quite as complicated when you have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve. It's amazing how many unintended uses there are for everyday items (rubber bands, nail polish, muffin liners). I've been using a few of these for years, but was … [Read more...] about 60 New Uses For Everyday Items