Last Updated on December 26, 2024
Until next year – goodbye ideas for your Elf on the Shelf's last day
The time has come for the Elf on the Shelf goodbye. Looking for simple Elf on the Shelf goodbye ideas? You've come to the right place! This list has some of the easiest, charming, and most hilarious Elf on the shelf leaving ideas for a well-deserved farewell to your Elf until next year!
1. Laptop Letter
What better way to put it all out there for the family than to leave a dedicated farewell note. Simply let your Elf type up whatever message is needed right there on the laptop to be found by the family before he takes off to head home to the north pole. This is a great way to customize the letter and really give some good details about what the Elf on the Shelf has seen happen with the family since he arrived. Get personal with the ups and downs of the season, he has seen it all!
2. Cereal Note
There is more than one way to write a goodbye note. This Elf on the shelf used his resources to spell out a message using alphabet cereal!
3. Post-It Note Message
The bathroom mirror has always been a good spot to leave a message. Why not let the Elf on the shelf say goodbye with some post-it notes? The perfect Elf on the Shelf goodbye ideas! No tape is needed 🙂
4. Elf and Child Selfie
This is probably my favorite. I love creating photo memories so this Elf on the shelf leaving idea is near and dear to my heart. Photo memory of the Elf with the child is going to be appreciated by the child the next day when the Elf has gone and possibly all year until he or she returns next holiday season. For sure do this one!
5. Kisses Goodbye
Elf Kissing booth. A kiss goodbye is always a fun way to end this extremely exciting time of year. Set up your own Elf kissing booth complete with Hershey's kisses for everyone to say give the Elf on the Shelf a farewell full of love!
6. Elf on the Shelf Last Day – Tears Goodbye
It is ok to cry when saying goodbye. Elves have feelings too. Share in the sadness of this Elf on the shelf goodbye with some tissues in the bathroom.
7. Elf on the Shelf Last Day – Don’t Forget Me!
It's pretty hard to forget this Elf on the shelf. When they leave make sure there are plenty of memories of him or her. This funny elf has gone just a little overboard on all the self-portraits!
8. Snow Shadow
No denying the Elf on the Shelf was here. Leave a little imprint of the funny Christmas Elf behind on the door with a note goodbye See you next year!
9. Elf on the Shelf Last Day – Kiss & Hug Goodbye
Possibly the sweetest goodbye on the list. This is a special exception made for a goodbye Kiss and Hug from Santa. You must check out this adorable letter from balancing home releasing kids to touch their elf just once before he or she heads back to the north pole. A special moment indeed for children and their loved elf, and one definitely of the cuter Elf on the Shelf leaving ideas.
10. Goodbye Letter – Free Printable
A simple goodbye poem for the elf to leave before heading back to the north pole. A great reminder to be caring and sharing all year long. Simply print the letter out and leave it under the tree to be found on Christmas morning. Maybe a little something from the Elf beside it would be a nice touch too. Enjoy this free printable Elf on the shelf letter from Listotic.
11. Camera Diary – Elf Leaving Ideas
I just can't help but add another Photo idea to this list of Elf goodbye ideas. Your elf on the shelf can encourage children to capture their memories of the course of the next year with a disposable camera of their own. They can take pictures of all the fun things that happen or simply take pictures of Christmas day to show their Elf all the fun he or she missed out on the day they headed back to the north pole.
Elf on the Shelf Door
Gift Ideas From the Elf on the Shelf